MCTP Theatre
at North End Montessori School
698 Beech Street, Manchester, NH 03104
Manchester Community Theatre Players
Policies and Procedures
Updated September 2018
The last two weeks of any production must be free of time conflicts for cast members.
Sunday afternoons and two week-day evenings are the usual rehearsal nights
Another rehearsal night for dramatics can be scheduled with the agreement of the Director and the principals.
Cast members should expect to attend up to three rehearsals per week except for the final week of production or in case of serious emergency.
All set-build dates will be pre-determined when possible and built into the rehearsal schedule.
All adult cast members will be expected to participate in NO LESS THAN one set-build.
All cast members should bring a script, a pencil and appropriate footwear (no flip-flops) to each rehearsal.
The Director is responsible for the final artistic interpretation of the entire production.
Physical contact with another person in an angry or threatening way is not permitted.
Any demonstration of inappropriate sexual contact is not permitted and shall be reported immediately to management. Anyone engaging in such activities will be asked to leave the production immediately.
Harassment or intimidation with words, gestures, body language, social media, email, or other menacing behaviors is not permitted, and shall be reported immediately to management.
Behavior which intends to or results in the theft or destruction of property is not permitted.
Cast members for the adult shows will be age 16 or older unless there are specific parts for younger actors.
Any cast member under the age of 13 must be accompanied to and from rehearsal by an adult. Parent/Guardian (or an adult cast member) must sign the child in and out of the rehearsal space.
No child will be allowed to leave the rehearsal space without a parent/guardian or designated adult. If they need to use restroom, an adult must be notified.
During performances, no child will be permitted to go into the dressing room area without a same-sex adult chaperone
All productions including children will require one adult (parent) chaperone for each 5 children throughout all rehearsals. Parents will be requested to sign-up for slots.
No child will be permitted to go outside during a production without being accompanied by a same-sex adult chaperone
Children should bring water, a snack, appropriate footwear (no flipflops) and homework or something quiet to do during “down time” during each rehearsal
For the safety of the children, all cast members under the age of 16 will have a designated area in the rehearsal space to work on homework, etc. during rehearsals.
Members of the Audition Panel are not eligible to audition for any part.
Members of the Audition Panel should read the script and be familiar with the score prior to auditions.
At the discretion of the Directors, “bit parts” may be filled at a later date if it is not feasible to use ensemble members.
If a member of the family of one of the Audition Panel members tries out for the production, that board member must leave the room during the discussion of the pertinent part(s) and may not vote on it (them).
Only the members of the Audition Panel will be present for and comment during the time decisions are made. No “observers” or “consultants” will be permitted in the room.
Members of the Audition Panel shall not discuss with anyone not on the Audition Panel, either during or after the auditions, the casting decisions. If questioned as to why or why not someone was given or not given a part, the Audition Panel member should state the discussions are confidential and you are not at liberty to discuss the matter.