Jewish Federation Theatre
698 Beech Street, Manchester, NH 03104

Manchester Community Theatre Players professional division Second Stage will present the second weekend of the Tony Award winning musical Falsettos December 13-21 at the Jewish Federation Theatre in Manchester. Falsettos is a musical about family relationships in a gay, Jewish setting.
Second Stage artistic director Alan D. Kaplan said this production was in the planning stages for three years, but he wanted to wait for the ideal director (Clayton Phillips), Music Director (Heather MacRobie), and crew (Steve Short, Rick Elliott, Carey Cahoon, and Mary Selvoski).
Stage Manager Steve Short said “Although Falsettos deals with serious subjects, like AIDS, it’s not a ‘feel-bad’ play. There are many parts in the play that are laugh-out-loud funny.”
Kaplan added, “the comments I got the first weekend were all positive. People told me how much they liked the music, and how they had a new appreciation of family relationships. Many were surprised at the large amount of humor in the show, and liked it because it was funny without being condescending to anyone. The talk–back session with the cast and crew at the end of the show was very well received.”
The music is varied, powerful, and melodic. MCTP Vice-President Tom Anastasi, said “We have the who’s who in New Hampshire cast with sensational voices. When I first heard we were doing it, I thought ‘after school special.’ But I was wrong. This is a very entertaining play and a great night out. “
Falsettos is the story of Marvin (Rob Dionne) a confused bisexual man, wife Trina (Sue Schott) and son Jason (Dan Schwartzberg) seem to be the perfect New York Jewish family preparing for Jason's Bar Mitzvah until Marvin "wanting it all" (both family and lover) divorces Trina for his boyfriend Wizzer (Jeff Caron). Trina becomes involved with the family psychiatrist Mendel (Matt Kasnetz) leaving Jason to sort his way from boyhood to manhood through the changing family dynamics. Included in the mix are the lesbian couple composed of Dr. Charlotte (Cathy McKay) and Cordelia (Shawna O’Brien). In the end, the various characters are forced to come together when Whizzer contracts AIDS.
Short added, “Even though the lead character’s getting AIDS is certainly a sobering part of Falsetto’s, it’s also about a guy who leaves his wife for another guy. She starts dating her psychiatrist, while two lesbians help their son plan his barmizvah. What could be better than that?”
Falsetto’s remaining performances are Saturday December 20 at 7:30 PM and Sunday December 21 at 2:00 PM at the Jewish Federation Theatre 698 Beech Street in Manchester. Note to parents: due to adult content , this show is not recommended for under high-school students. Call 603-627-7679 or click
Production Crew
Clayton Phillips, Director
Heather MacRobie, Musical Director (BEST DIRECTOR)
Alan D. Kaplan, Producer
Steve Short, Stage Manager
Carey Cahoon, Set Design
Rick Elliott, Technical Director
Mary Selvoski, Costume Design
Patrick Sawicki, Deck Manager
Lois Brown, Stage Assistant
Susan Cuddy, Stage Assistant
Presented by Manchester Community Theatre Players' professional division, Second Stage Productions
Saturday, December 13, 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, December 14, 2:00 p.m.
Saturday, December 20, 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, December 21, 2:00 p.m.
Dr. Charlotte
Rob Dionne
Jeff Caron
Matt Kasnetz
Dan Schwartzberg
Sue Schott
Cathy McKay
Shawna O'Brien