Directed by Alan D. Kaplan
Music Direction by Ken Grinnell
Choreography by Loren Hallett
Stage Manager, Sharon April
October 14, 15, 16, 21, 22
MCTP Theatre at
North End Montessori School
698 Beech Street
Manchester, NH
Based on the smash hit 1991 Disney movie and dating back to a late 18th-century classic French fairy tale, Beauty and the Beast tells the story of Belle, a beautiful and intelligent young woman who feels out of place in her provincial French village. When her father is imprisoned in a mysterious castle, Belle’s attempt to rescue him leads to her capture by the Beast, a grisly and fearsome monster, who was long ago trapped in his gruesome form by an enchantress. The only way for the Beast to become human once again is if he learns to love and be loved in return. There is a time limit, too: once a magical rose loses all of its petals, all hope will be lost and he will stay a Beast forever. The Beast’s enchanted household--populated by such beloved characters as Mrs. Potts, Lumiere, Cogsworth, and Chip--watch anxiously as Belle and the Beast grow to understand and befriend one another. Their feelings grow ever deeper as the clock ticks and petals continue to fall off the enchanted rose--will they confess their love for one another before it is too late?
Young Prince..................................Erik Shaffer

Young Prince Double....................Jaxen Dupuis
Old Beggar Woman......................Lisa Volonte
Enchantress ..................................Nen Horan

Belle................................................Sophie Linkroum

Maurice...........................................Wayne Sevin

Aristocratic Lady ...........................Claudette Laroche
Fish Seller.......................................Rochelle Neveu

Egg Seller ......................................Jesseca Jobin

Sausage Curl Girl...........................Laura Vitale
Baker ..............................................Patty Helbig

Lady with Baby...............................Kasey Bittman
Candle Seller .................................Tanya Swann
Hat Seller........................................Melissa Maas
Milkmaid ........................................Abigail Majore
Shepherd Boy................................Ryan Behan
Bookseller......................................Patty Thomas
A Mother ........................................Lori Coyle
Townspeople .................................Susan Labrie, Heath Auger
Gaston............................................Zak Tber
Lefou...............................................Frank Thomas
Monsieur D'Arque.........................Heath Auger
Gaston's Cronies......................... Shawn O'Malley, Sean Damboise, Ethan Dupuis, Jaxon Dupuis
Silly Girls .......................................Mykaila Judge, Tzipora Yellin, Alex Hallett, Autumn Fichera, Annabelle Jesse
Tavern Wenches............................Kasey Bittman, Lisa Volonte, Laura Vitale, Lori Coyle, Rochelle Neveu
The Beast.......................................Erik Shaffer
The Beast Double ........................Jaxon Dupuis
Cogsworth......................................Bruce MacDonald
Lumiere..........................................Dan Merriman
Babette..........................................Jess Cardow
Mrs. Potts......................................Amy Agostino
Chip...............................................Aimee Horan
Madame De La Grande Bouche...Michele Bossie
Foot Stool......................................Kendralynn Swann-Thayer
Binet Balai (Broom) .....................Annabelle Jesse
Flatware ........................................Mya Maas-Kisiel, Zora Brady, Rachel Gosselin, Ryan Behan, Maggie Behan
Plates ...........................................Melissa Maas, Susan Labrie, Tanya Swann, Lori Coyle, Tzipora Yellin,

Alex Hallett, Autumn Fichera
Champagne Glasses ................. Kasey Bittman, Mykaila Judge, Laura Vitale, Nen Horan, Laura Majore
Napkins ....................................... Patty Thomas, Lisa Volonte, Claudette Laroche, Rochelle Neveu, Jesseca Jobin, Abigail Majore
Mice .............................................Morgan Cantor, Anastasia Judge, Charlie Horan, Zosia Yellin
Wolves..........................................Mya Maas-Kisiel, Kendralynn Swan-Thayer, Zora Brady, Rachel Gosselin, Ryan Behan, Maggie Behan, Tzipora Yellin, Alex Hallett, Autumn Fichera, Annabelle Jesse, Abigail Majore
Young Wolves..............................Morgan Cantor, Anastasia Judge, Charlie Horan, Zosia Yellin